Using Nestr - a quick overview

Let us run you through the basic functionalities of Nestr
Written by Joost Schouten
Updated 10 months ago

This article does not intent to be a comprehensive deep-dive into Nestr, rather a quick introduction to get you started.

Navigating Nestr 

Let me guide you through the different ways to navigate in Nestr.

Creating projects & todo's

Here I show how you can create projects and todo's and where you can find them

Starting a circle/tactical meeting

How to to start a circle/tactical meeting and run through the different steps.

Proposing a structure/governance change

If you'd like to suggest a change to a role, circle or policy, you can simply create an agenda item and propose it.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have more in depth questions. We're here to assist.

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