Importing Data from Glassfrog

Import your Glassfrog data into Nestr
Written by Julio Holon
Updated 2 days ago

Nestr can import your data from Glassfrog. It will import pretty much everything straight into your Nestr account.

In order to use that feature, you may want to start by creating a new Workspace, clicking the [+Create] button on "My Workspaces". After you create the workspace, head into it and navigate to the workspace settings page.

 Once there, navigate to the 'Integrations' tab and enable the Glassfrog integration.

In there you have to fill the Glassfrog API key. You can create an API key in your Glassfrog account when you go into your organisation and go to "Your profile and settings" page and navigate to the "API" tab. There tou can create a new API key. Do this and copy it across into the the "Glassfrog API key" field in Nestr.

Check the box if you want to import users, if you would like to invite them directly into Nestr and hit the "Synchronise" button.

Depending on the size of your account this can take a few seconds to up to an hour. You can simply let it run in the background and see the circles and roles appear as they come in.

If you wish to update the latest changes from your Glassfrog account into Nestr, simply click the "Synchronize" button again and we'll import the changes for you.

Happy Nestring!

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